Friday, October 22, 2010

i need out,
im not going to whinge and whine like a little bitch, cus whoever you are reading this, you have problems too, you dont want to hear about some douche who cant handle his love life and hates the town he lives in

so basically life has been pretty normal lately, almost finished what i started last november, which for those of you, or basically all of you who dont understand what im talking about, it pretty much goes like i was a bit of a manslut last year, and after stepping back an having a look at myself, i really didnt like what i saw, so i decided no sexual activities for a year, just to prove to myself and everyone else that i could. in 9 days its done, and i dont know what im going to do, i've learnt so much about myself in this year, who i am and who i want to be, and i know for sure i dont want a teenage relationship with some immature skank who doesnt take it seriously, i want something more, so the search for a girl that gives a damn is back on..
so thats enough of my emotional life atm
as for sports, i've tried taking basketball seriously this year, attending all trainings and playing every game i could, and while i still have a downright horrible percentage of shots going in the hoop, i can now defend better than anyone else on my team and am fitter also. so theres a plus i guess.
as for school, i still hate it, i finally made an effort to get out there and make some friends this year, the problem being every single one of them is in y12 and will have left this town in 6 weeks cus theres no school to keep them here. so that was a pointless endeavour

i've been delving into my music lately and really want to learn an instrument because to be honest, i cant sing, but i still love music, its been there for me so many times when noone else was, so gotta try an find a way to make that happen

peace bitches

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