Saturday, October 23, 2010

all round misfit

im the kind of guy who raves out to piano solo's,
who listens to screamo so i can calm down,
the dopey kid in an extension maths class,
the young one in the group of friends by about 3 years,
the ugly guy who falls for the prettiest girls,
the one who actually speaks his mind,
the one who actually does his best to keep the convo alive,
the guy whos open about all topics except himself,
the great liar who hates lies,
the rugby player who carves up computer games and likes to read,
the guy who thinks with his brain and heart rather than his testosterone fueled manparts,
the guy who wants a relationship thats real,
the guy who always has a comeback, an talks too much, but is speechless with her,
i could keep typing this out til my fingers bled, you get the point,
im not like most people

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