Thursday, April 22, 2010

hey there

this is how it goes, to all ma peeps an all ma foes
thats a joke, i dont rap
basically this is an opening post, seeing as i have nothing better to do atm but blog
so please, read on :)
my names kurt
im about 6ft tall
i love all sport, spesh rugby,
its like mt personal stressball, all the pent up emotions that would be too much to show in public come out in my football
but yeah, i like to think of myself as unique, because noone else is quite as retarded as i
im tempted to say the whole "i dont care what other people think about me as long as iv got my friends" thing, but honestly, too many people say that these days, most of which its really not true for, i do care what people think about me, i kinda have to seeing as i have no self esteem whatesoever, any of you who know me however will know my caring about my image doesnt get in the way of me being a complete dumbass and enjoying life like any teen should

another thing you either know about me or will soon learn, is that i believe in radical honesty, saying exactly how i feel, not sugarcoating it to make it socially acceptable, if im talking to you, you probably asked for an opinion on something so you can listen to the truth, not just what you want to hear.

i was born in winter some 15 years back, but dont judge me for my age, most people my age irritate me with their immaturity and close to all of my best friends are older than me
so yeah, until next time im bored enough to blog,

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